Testing Web APIs “The book"
I'm proud to announce the launch of my debut book, Testing Web APIs

It's certainly been quiet on my blog for a while, but that doesn't mean I haven't been productive. I believe the lack of recent updates has come from an increase in writing and teaching over the past few years. So whilst I would like to blog more, the reasons for not doing so are not negative. My motivation for this post is to share some exciting news about the work I've been doing lately. I recently signed a publishing deal with Testing Web APIs for my new book, 'Testing Web APIs' which is now available through the Manning early access program (or MEAP).
What is the book about?
Testing Web APIs is about enabling teams and individuals to build robust, risk-based, holistic test strategies. Throughout the book, I will be deep-diving into a range of testing activities for Web APIs such as automation, exploratory testing, performance, security and testing API designs. Whilst each chapter focuses on a specific testing topic, the book as a whole takes you on a journey towards identifying and implementing the right Web API testing strategy for you.
Why should I get a copy now?
As I mentioned earlier, the book is available as part of the Manning early access program, meaning you can view the book as it's being written and offer feedback. The book is 50% complete at the time of writing, with the first six chapters written. As the chapters complete editing, they will be released for you to read, learn from and offer me feedback to help me improve the book.
But you might be thinking; Why buy a copy of the book in early access? Well, there are a few reasons:
- Your feedback will help. The early access program gives you the ability to ask me questions to help me improve and expand each chapter of the book. You might need help from me to clarify points, or you might notice errors in my writing or code examples. Whatever feedback you can give me will help me write the best book I can, which I can only do if I get feedback from readers.
- Publishing is not an easy industry. The whole process has shown me that Manning, the publisher, has put a lot of faith and resources into the process to help me get this far. By purchasing a copy of the book, it helps show the publisher that they can trust me to deliver a book of value to everyone involved.
- You get to learn about API testing! The book will be packed full of examples and practical exercises, including chapters on testing API designs, automation and testing in production.
Pick up a copy today
If you'd like to learn more about Testing Web APIs and help me improve my booking. You can purchase a copy of Testing Web APIs on the Manning books website.